
The shipping scandal from SOME replica sites(site name chaged from wholesalebusinesscn.com to wholesalebusinesscn.ru)

The other day,one of my  client asked me:Amy,i love your Jordan 3 in 1:1 quality shoes,but why are you sale at $55,and other site onlY sale at $40?
I know there is no way they just sale at $40 .so ,i go there and dig,then i found this shipping scandal from this site.

here is the price,payment options,and total for 3 of the jordan shoes from this site:

And here is our  price,payment options,and total for 3  in 1:1 quality :

Now,you check on the payment options,and go figure out why.
and you do the math on the total .

On our site ,the shipping fee is $18.
its not $18 for per item,its $18 for whole order,no matter how many items you ordere from wholesalebusinesscn.ru

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