
What will happen after you dispute on a replica website ?wholesalebusinesscn.com change to wholesalebusinesscn.ru

i am running a website ,a site where sale all the replica stuff.
the difference between me and some othere website is:i always tell people what they will get from our site.

but in that case,the clients actually need to talk to me before they put their order in ,no matter where they talk to us,youtube,or website online service ,and don't forget our skype:wholesalebusinesscn.
just talk to us before you order,then i can give you pretty accuracy answer .but you should know better even you didnt talk to us.the replica stuff ,wont never be as good as the original ones,thats why the price is in huge difference.i hate the one who spend like $40 on site for shoes,and dispute the order because "THEY ARE NOT AS THE ORIGINAL ONES".

sometimes.because the shipping agency and some other stuff like the post man.customs,some of items may lost on the way to our clict,when dose that happens,please know that we are victim too.since the shipping fee is just $18,we can't buy insurance for the shipping ,so ,we have to compensate this from our own pocket,but sometimes,we can't compensate all or compensate all in at once,you need to work with us in that happens.because we will compensate.

because after your dispute,your card even all cards in your name wont be able to purchase from any site from China .
i am not sure if all the site use one credit card company in China ,but if they do ,you wont be able to purchase from any site .thats we call "risk check "from credit card company .

i know,sometimes,you are not the fraud who just want gain something by dispute ,but after you dispute ,the result are the same.
so,no matter which site you ordered ,and what the problem is,try to work out with them.lots of replica sites are pretty reasonable .

